The Geoscience Paper of the Future Initiative

Training Materials

Best Practices for Geoscience Paper of the Future

An article reviewing best practices and author guidelines for a Geoscience Paper of the Future appears in the special issue of the AGU Earth and Space Science journal:

Section 4 provides an overview of GPF best practices, which are summarized in Table 1 and Figure 2 as a GPF author checklist.

Some Exemplars of Geoscience Paper of the Future

Published Geoscience Papers of the Future serve as reference exemplars that illustrate how authors addressed the recommended best practices. These papers cover diverse areas of geosciences, each with particular requirements and challenges:

Training Materials

"The Geoscience Paper of the Future" training materials for the OntoSoft project are available from under a CC-BY license.

GPF main slide

A powerpoint version of the slides is available upon request.